Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Assignment #2

Describe the 4 domains of creativity:

·         When you’re fluent, you generate many ideas.
·         You’re “fluent” in the language of design.
·         Someone who’s fluent in the form of art has many ideas on what they want to create. They are able to stimulate their imagination.
·         If you’re flexible you can move from one idea to another very quickly.
·         You can imagine ideas in a different perspective.
·         A flexible thinker can develop and think with analogies and metaphors.
·         Drawings that are flexible shift viewpoints and can also rotate the image.
·         Flexible thinkers can also shift between right and left brain thinking.
·         When you’re original you can generate many unusual ideas.
·         In other words, “think outside the box.”
·         You cross boundaries when you’re original.
·         Art that’s original is different than most. It has a fresh spin on it that makes it seem unique.
This is an example of original art, in my opinion.

·         Elaboration is adding to ideas to improve them.
·         When you elaborate you invest time and effort to test for quality.
·         Elaborating on your piece of art involves aspiring for development beyond completeness.
·         Some people who elaborate too much think their work of art is never finished.

Describe the Feldman Method of Art Criticism:

·         Who is the artist?
·         What is the medium? (water color, pastel, dance, ballet, jazz etc..)
·         How big is the work of art?
·         What are the characteristics?
·         Use the elements and principals to further describe the work of art.
·         How do colors relate?
·         Do forms create a mood?
·         What does it mean?
·         How do the images create metaphor?
·         What kind of feelings does it give you?
·         Does it have an alternate meaning?
·         Does it have a social meaning?
Judge or Evaluate
·         Do you like it?
·         Do you dislike it?
·         Why do you like it?
·         Why don’t you like it?

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