Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Assignment #4- Architecture

1)      This is Sims! Sims is one of the dormitories on the Women’s Quad. I live in McClintock, which is right next door and I’m constantly admiring Sims. Sims has many architectural features.

2)      Two main features I notice about Sims are the Corinthian columns and Dentil molding. You can’t really see in the picture, but Sims has Corinthian columns. The capitals of the columns are intricately sculpted with leaves and foliage. The capital also flows upward to enhance the height of the column. The Dentil molding is also very evident on the front of Sims. Dentil molding is a tooth-like cornice or molding. The Dentil molding lines the triangular top of the building. Dentil molding is very typical of neoclassical decoration.

Corinthian Column
Dentil Molding

3)      I think Sims is the “Classical or Greek Revival” style. It is very grandeur and decorative. It has elaborate Corinthian columns and shows signs of Greek-like features. The Greek Revival style is also very symmetrical. Sims is extremely symmetrical in all aspects. Just by looking at the front of the building you can see the symmetry. If you were to cut it down the middle, both halves would look the same. Sims also has a very large porch, which was another decorative element borrowed from Greek and Roman architecture.

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